Welcome to our Profit Builder review and scam investigation (Official URL: THEPROFITBUILDERAPP.COM). The Profit Builder scam-free trading software is an automated bitcoin trading app which utilizes advanced technical analysis and fundamental trading strategies in order to measure and initiate profitable trades whilst factoring in market sentiment. Before we start with our … [Read more...] about Profit Builder Review. Is Profit Builder Scam Trading App?
Bitcoin Gemini Review, Is Bitcoin Gemini SCAM?
Welcome to our Bitcoin Gemini review and scam investigation. Let's start by immediately saying that if you are looking to invest with Gemini, the Regulated Cryptocurrency Exchange, this review is most definitely not what you are searching for. However, if you have been illegally solicited to join a fishy-looking get-rich quick scheme named "Bitcoin Gemini", then you had best … [Read more...] about Bitcoin Gemini Review, Is Bitcoin Gemini SCAM?
Carrie Bickmore Bitcoin. Is The Interview Real Or Is It A Scam?
Australians who stay up to date on current affairs through Network 10’s The Project might have recognized co-host Carrie Bickmore in advertisements spread throughout social media in recent weeks. However, these apparent endorsements are completely fake, with Bickmore’s likeness and name being used to drive potential victims towards the latest Bitcoin scam. Carrie Bickmore … [Read more...] about Carrie Bickmore Bitcoin. Is The Interview Real Or Is It A Scam?
Bitcoin Up Review, Avoid The Bitcoin Up Scam! [Fake News Alert]
Welcome to our Bitcoin Up review and SCAM software investigation. There's a new scam in town and this time it's called "Bitcoin Up". OK so Bitcoin Up is advertised as a kind or Bitcoin trading robot which generates "$1,300 daily" for you on auto-pilot by utilizing an "award-winning" algorithm. But is that really the truth or are we being tricked once more? Well, as our detailed … [Read more...] about Bitcoin Up Review, Avoid The Bitcoin Up Scam! [Fake News Alert]
Crypto Investor Review, Is Crypto Investor SCAM App?
Welcome to our Crypto Investor Review and SCAM investigation. Crypto Investor (Official URL: CRYPTOINVESTORAPP.CO) is a technologically advanced signals app which trades all cryptocurrencies and has an average success ratio of 87%. But really, is Crypto Investor SCAM or legit trading platform? That's the real question isn't it? Our staff did some digging around and found out … [Read more...] about Crypto Investor Review, Is Crypto Investor SCAM App?